Thursday 12 January 2012

The Wart (First Written 12 January 2012)

I can see it when I look down my nose. It's getting bigger. It's trying to take over. My sparkling piercing, the piercing I longed to have for years, is disappearing from view. My wart has a voice now. It tells me it won't leave. Bulbous and ugly, it waddles as I walk. It sniggers as I stare in the mirror. Where did it start to go wrong? I thought I'd have this piercing forever. I'd been looking at rings. And then this happened. This wart came and ruined everything. I went to the doctors today. They gave me some cream and a threat to the wart: freezing. That's stopped its sneers.yes, wart, you can be stopped. And, with the wart, my piercing must leave me. I'll give it a good burial. I'll put it in a box, hidden safely away, and I'll remember what it looked like before the wart ruined everything. And it'll sparkle in its box, just like it always sparkled in my nose. RIP.

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